Thyroid Function: What can YOU do on daily basis to maximize your thyroid function?
The good news is that there are a number of foods that can help boost thyroid function, and here are 4 of the best (remember, if you are being treated for any thyroid disorder, be sure to consult your physician before making any changes to your diet):
1. Iodine is an essential nutrient for the production of thyroid hormone, and if you don’t have enough in your diet, thyroid function is compromised. Sea vegetables like kelp, nori, kombu, and wakame are the richest sources of iodine, which can also be found in scallops, shrimp, and yogurt.
2. Sunshine!! Because vitamin D deficiency is closely tied to insufficient thyroid function, it’s important that you get plenty of sunshine (our body’s main way of absorbing vit D). The best dietary sources of vitamin D are fatty fish, especially wild salmon, which is also a good source of iodine! I take an omega oil with DHA, EPA, and Vitamin D3 especially important in the winter months.
3. Selenium is another key nutrient that plays a protective role in supporting thyroid function. Brazil nuts are a particularly rich source of selenium, and research shows that Brazil nuts are even more effective at increasing blood levels of selenium than taking selenium capsules but proceed with caution as these nuts are very high in calories….all you need is a couple a day!
4. Copper, iron, and zinc are all important for healthy thyroid function, and sesame seeds are a great source of all three of these essential nutrients.