Too Hot To Handle: 7 Steps to Looking and Feeling your Best in Just 4 weeks!

1.) 5 Day Cleanse/Fast

Option 1: Water/tea/BCAA

Wake up

            1.5g BCAA

            1-2 c. Black tea

            32 oz. water

Intra - workout

            3g BCAA


            32 oz. water with 1 airborne tab, 1 Nuun tab,


            As much bone broth as you like

            32 oz. water with lemon

Throughout the day - herbal teas at least 2 c. Daily detox.


Option 2: Liquid only

We have one that we provide for our HIIT Me Up Transformation

challenge folks.

Collagen cappuccino/latte

Blueberry shake

BCAAs, teas, bone broth

Celery when hungry

Benefits of Fasting

  1. Reduces and in some cases eliminates cravings

  2. Increases energy

  3. Reduces inflammation

  4. Improves gut health

  5. Lose abdominal bloat

  6. Lose subcutaneous water retention

  7. If you do not have cancer and do a therapeutic fast 1-3 times/year, you could purge any precancerous cells that live in your body.

  8. Fasts of 3 days or longer can effectively “Reboot” your immune system via stem cell-based regeneration.


If over 40, cancer is 1 of the 4 types of disease that will kill you with 80% certainty.


2.) Consume 1 gallon of water daily


These are exceptions to this. A small percentage of the population (myself included) do not perspire much and can get hyponatremia if they consume too much water but the majority of the population does best with lots of water.



  1. Cushions joints

  2. Protects organs/tissues

  3. Normalized BP

  4. Prevents constipation

  5. Aids digestion

  6. Flushes bacteria

  7. Carries nutrients to cells

  8. Regulates temperature

  9. Wards off hunger/cravings

  10. Lowers down inflammation


3.) Eat Predominantly Lean protein and veggies with some healthy fat


Why Low Carb Works?

1.      Low carb diets lead to quick reductions in H20 weight

Why?  each 1g carb = 3-4 oz fluid that the body holds onto…some is used and the rest spills over into the subcutaneous tissue

2.      Reduces fat in the abdomen and around organs and liver

3.      Eating a low-carb diet helps stabilize blood sugar

4.      Reduces cravings

Other Benefits

1.      Lowers down triglycerides

2.      Protects your brain

3.      Less bloat

4.      Regulates metabolism

5.      Can increase energy labels


4.) Fasted cardio daily

The main benefit of fasted cardio is increased fat burning.

Research shows that exercise in a fasted state induces higher fat oxidation than in a fed state.


Essentially since you haven’t eaten through the night you will wake up with low glycogen level and body will be forced to burn fat.


Keep in mind that doing fasted cardio often may impede any ability to put on muscle if that is your goal.


5.) Intermittent Fasting

We all do intermittent fasting every day because we sleep and when we sleep, we are typically not eating.

Our HIIT Me Up folks will be doing a very simple 12 hr Intermittent Fasting which many do regularly…If your last meal ends at 8 pm, breakfast isn’t until 8 am or after. It is just basically a means to control the night-time food monger!


Some people literally fast 20 hours per day. I won't get into the pros and cons of longer Intermittent Fasting intervals because that is beyond our scope today but we subscribe to a 12-hour which seems to be feasible for most people.


6.) Do HIIT Training


What is HIIT?

Short bursts of intense exercise alternated with low-intensity recovery


10-30 min

Need 24 hours minimum of rest between so it’s ideal to do 2-4 days/week with strength training between


Bodyweight exercises



Rope (battle of jump rope)


4-6 rounds is typical example of 1 round

20-30 sec on 10 sec off

Jumping jacks

Push up taps

Squat hops

Tuck ups as fast as possible

1 round


All out

Sprint 20 seconds

Walk 40 seconds

1 round


Benefits of HIIT

  1. Burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time.

  2. Metabolic rate is higher for hours after HIIT

    Studies show that HIIT could shift the body’s metabolism from using carbs for energy to using fat.

  3. HIIT can help you lose fat (with a smaller time commitment than steady state)

  4. You may be able to gain muscle using HIIT (typically in people less active to begin with not

    currently active population)

  5. HIIT can improve oxygen consumption (muscles ability to use O2)

  6. HIIT can reduce heart rate and blood pressure

  7. HIIT can reduce blood sugar

  8. HIIT improves BOTH aerobic and anaerobic performance


7.) ECA Stack


What is it?

Ephedra - bronkaid

Caffeine - coffee or caffeine

Baby Aspirin 88mg pill


When taken together, these ingredients are said to promote weight loss and boost athletic performance


  • Ephedra stimulates CNS through norepinephrine which gets your body ready for action/activity

  • Caffeine is also a CNS stimulant and can increase feelings of alertness and therefore reducing fatigue

  • Aspirin is a pain reliever. When taken as part of an ECA stack, it prevents norepinephrine levels from decreasing, maintains the stimulation effects of caffeine and ephedrine


Does it work?

A review of 20 trials, found epinephrine to be an effective tool for weight loss


Studies show a short-term effect (1-2 hours) on athletic performance. Longer-term has yet to be studied.


How do I get it?

2004 - the US FDA banned the sale of Ephedra containing dietary supplements, but it is still legal


Go to a local pharmacy and ask for Bronkaid pills, show ID (approx $6-$8)



  1. Ephedra raises heart rate and may have adverse effects to those with anxiety

  2. Ephedra can cause constriction of blood vessels and lead to high blood pressure

  3. Caffeine in large doses can cause

    • Insomnia

    • Increased heart rate

    • Elevated BP

    • Tremors

    • Anxiety

  4. Long-term use of aspirin, even in small doses, has been associated with an increased risk of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract


ECA has not been shown to have serious adverse effects but can cause




            Change in mood


Heart palpitations


Stacy Wig